Welcome to Artly Architectural.

We create original artworks and infrastructure design features that bring built environments and outdoor spaces to life.

Informed by 30 years of award-winning public arts practice, our work is characterised by a unique approach to sensory, psychological and emotive elements which result in compelling works of art, designed to be deeply felt.

Art in Architecture mosaic sculpture  Gretchen Hillhouse.jpg

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Our Work

Our practice spans work for large land developments, high end multi-residential and commercial developments all the way through to public green-spaces and sculpture trails in wetlands.

Whether it be the entry way to a multi-lot land subdivision, foyer of a multi-storey mixed use development or outdoor public space - we can enhance your project vision by creating art and infrastructure design that inspires passionate connection.

While our work is aesthetically diverse, our projects are linked by our focus on enhancing human relationships through art and building connection to place.

We are also committed to amplifying the voices of First Nation artists, and work collaboratively wherever possible.

If you are looking for original art or design infrastructure for a specific project, please get in touch find out more.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Each project starts with a conversation, so please get in touch.